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What Is Ethical Alpaca Fur?

We love how fur makes us feel but we don’t want to hurt animals.

We are lovers of soft, real fur, and conscious of animal welfare. This is why Baboosha exists.

Leading cruelty free luxury and sustainable fashion with ethical alpaca fur. Baboosha Paris.

Alpaca fur is one of the finest and softest in the world.

We source our alpaca fur from rural family-owned businesses in the Andean region of Peru that depend on the alpaca for their survival and wellbeing.

We do this in an ethically and eco-friendly manner.

It is not practical or ethical to kill alpacas for their hides, because there is so much economic benefit by shearing them for their wool. Furthermore, there's a prohibition in effect against killing alpacas for their hides.

Sometimes young animals die naturally due to sickness, extreme weather changes, genetics, or an accident. This is a costly loss to the families. They minimize their loss by using the alpaca for food and its pelt.

We only use the hides of alpacas that have died of natural causes to make our products.

100% cruelty-free

Our alpaca fur is sourced 100% cruelty-free and we have a strong fair trade and sustainability platform. We do not hurt alpacas.

For more information, please visit this news link that supports and further clarifies our strategic sourcing platform.

Kate, the Duchess of Cambridge, wearing a hat made with ethical Alpaca fur.

Feel free to contact us with any questions.