I love how real fur makes me feel but I don’t want to hurt animals.
Baboosha slippers are designed exclusively with ethical alpaca fur, an animal cruelty-free product.
Alpaca farmers live and work in one of the most unpredictable and harshest environments on earth. Every year the winter claims young alpacas too weak to survive. This is a devastating loss to the farmers who rely on the animals to scratch out a living. Baboosha and others are buying these small pelts to create income for the farmers from what in the past went to the vultures.
Every pair of Baboosha helps a farmer in the Peruvian highlands. Join us in an effort to help these families.
Pioneering Sustainable Fashion
As the global fur industry is working hard to reinvent itself for a new generation of consumers. Baboosha is leading a transformation of fur and fashion culture. We are innovating fashion with use of Sustainable Ethical Alpaca Fur. Buying this unbelievably soft fur doesn’t hurt animals, and it improves the lives of others.

Maison Baboosha
We want to improve the way you enjoy your leisure time in a comfortable, fun, and stylish manner.

Baboosha slippers make an excellent Gift.